Falcon Family Day 2024
Pre-Registration Information for Spring and Summer 2024
Final Exam Information Fall 2024
Important Dates to Remember
Falcon Family Day 2024
UM is excited to announce that Falcon Family Day will take place on Saturday, Oct. 26, 2024. Family Day is the perfect time to reconnect with your student, explore where your student calls home and meet other families. Each person who registers for Family Day will receive a boxed lunch and will have the opportunity to take part in scheduled events, including the chance to win some UM swag playing BINGO.
Falcon Family Day is open to families, friends and UM students. Registration is required to receive Family Day items including your boxed lunch and BINGO cards. Online registration will remain open until 5 p.m. CST on Oct. 13, 2024.
For more information about Falcon Family Day or to register online, visit 5dexam.com/falcon-family-day.
Pre-Registration Information for Spring and Summer 2024
The pre-registration period is set aside for currently enrolled students. Enrolled students must meet with their advisor before pre-registration to plan their upcoming schedule. Students should contact their advisors to schedule appointments. Students will not be able to register via Banner Self-Service until their advisor has cleared them to register. Students with a declared major who have not been assigned an advisor should contact the departmental office of their major. Students without a declared major should contact the general studies advisor in the Falcon Success Center in Van Tuyll House by calling 205-665-6092. Students must follow the procedures listed below to complete the pre-registration process.
1 – Check your student account for any HOLDS. You will not be able to register if you have a hold on your account. Holds are applied to a student’s account for a variety of reasons including student conduct sanctions, health forms/test results and unpaid fees. Remind your student to check their account a few weeks before registration begins to see if a hold has been applied to their account. This can be seen by going into Banner Self-Service. Until a hold is removed, students cannot register for classes or drop/add classes after they register.
2 – Meet with your academic advisor to plan your schedule.
3 – Your advisor will enter a PIN number that allows you to register for classes.
4 – Register for classes (according to the schedule below) by logging into Banner Self-Service via the link at the bottom of the 5dexam.com webpage. For detailed instructions about the registration process, visit the Registrar’s webpage: 5dexam.com/forum-banner-self-service-registration-instructions.
Pre-registration Schedule for Spring and Summer 2024 Classes
Nov. 4 – Spring and Summer registration begins for currently enrolled graduate students
Nov. 6 – Spring and Summer registration begins for currently enrolled seniors
Nov. 8 – Spring and Summer registration begins for currently enrolled juniors
Nov. 12 – Spring and Summer registration begins for currently enrolled sophomores
Nov. 14 – Spring and Summer registration begins for currently enrolled freshmen
Students are responsible for understanding the registration process for any classes that are added and/or dropped from their schedule.
Final Exam Information Fall 2024
The final exam schedule is based on regularly scheduled class meeting times. All course syllabi must include the scheduled date and time for final exams.
- Hybrid courses’ final exam times will correlate to the class’s on-campus
- Flexible (Synchronous) courses’ final exam times will correlate to schedule class
- Online (Synchronous or Hybrid) courses’ final exam times will correlate to schedule class
- Online (Asynchronous) classes consult the course syllabus or
- Classes schedule at any time other than shown below — consult the course syllabus or
Petitioning to Reschedule a Final Exam
- Students may petition to their major College Dean to reschedule exams if the following circumstances occur:
- A student has 3 or more exams scheduled on the same
- A student has 2 exams scheduled at the same
- Students wishing to reschedule one or more final exams due to one of the reasons above must submit to their major College Dean documentation of their
- The petition must be approved no later than the last regular day of classes. The rescheduled exam must be administered during one of the provisional exam times as listed in the schedule
- Exams for on campus courses have higher priority than online exams regardless of
- For all instances not covered above, the student’s major College Dean will consult with professors/instructors and decide which final should be
Final Grade Submission deadlines:
Grades for graduation candidates must be submitted via Banner Self Service no later than 3 p.m., Wednesday, Dec. 11. Graduation candidates must be allowed to reschedule their final exams prior to this deadline.
Grades for all other students must be submitted via Banner Self Service no later than 10 a.m., Monday, Dec. 16.
MONDAY Dec. 9 |
TUESDAY Dec. 10 |
WED. Dec. 11 |
THURS. Dec. 12 |
FRIDAY Dec. 13 |
8 to 10 a.m. |
ENG 101, 102 Classes |
HIST 101,102 Classes |
MWF 9 a.m. Classes |
TR 9:30 a.m. Classes |
10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. |
MWF 8 a.m. Classes |
TR 8 a.m. Classes |
MWF 10 a.m. Classes |
TR 11 a.m. Classes |
1:30 to 3:30 p.m. |
MWF 11 a.m. Classes |
TR 12:30 p.m. Classes |
MW 2 p.m. Classes |
TR 2 p.m. Classes |
4 to 6 p.m. |
M 3:30 p.m. Classes |
TR 3:30 p.m. Classes |
MWF noon Classes |
MWF 1 p.m. Classes |
6:30 to 8:30 p.m. |
M 4 p.m. or later Classes |
T 4 p.m. or later Classes |
W 4 p.m. or later Classes |
R 4 p.m. or later Classes |
The Housing & Residence Life Office offers a special gift program during final exam week for all of our students living on campus. This program offers parents a great opportunity to show support for their students by sending them an “Exam-A-Gram” care package full of sweet and savory treats.
The Exam-A-Gram will be hand delivered to your student and can include a note from you! The cost is $45 per order. To order an Exam-A-Gram for your student, go to http://commerce.cashnet.com/montevalloadv?itemcode=ADV-EG. The link to order Exam-A-Grams will go live on Oct. 7. Orders are due by 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 30. If you have any questions, you may contact the Housing & Residence Life Office at 205-665-6235 or housing@5dexam.com.
Important Dates to Remember
Oct. 10 Founders’ Day
Oct. 14 Fall Break (No classes)
Oct. 15 Mid-Semester week
Oct. 28 Last day for course/semester withdrawal for fall registration
Nov. 4 Spring and Summer 2024 registration begins for currently enrolled graduate students
Nov. 6 Spring and summer 2024 registration begins for currently enrolled seniors
Nov. 8 Spring and Summer 2024 registration begins for currently enrolled juniors
Nov. 12 Spring and Summer 2024 registration begins for currently enrolled sophomores
Nov. 14 Spring and summer 2024 registration begins for currently enrolled undergraduate students
Nov. 11 Veterans Day (University closed)
Nov. 27 Halls close at 8 a.m. for Thanksgiving (except Brooke Hall, College Creek, College Park, Lund Hall and Peck Hall)
Nov. 27-29 Thanksgiving holidays (University closed)
Dec. 1 Halls reopen at 2 p.m.
Dec. 2 Classes resume from Thanksgiving holidays
Dec. 4-6 Classes meet as scheduled; however, no exams or quizzes may be administered and no other graded assignments may be due
Dec. 9-13 Final examinations for fall courses
Dec. 13 Fall Commencement/halls close at 5 p.m. for students not graduating and 7 p.m. for graduates (except Brooke Hall, College Creek, College Park, Lund Hall and Peck Hall)
Dec. 20 Winter Holidays begin at 5 p.m. (University closed – will reopen 1/2/25)
Jan. 2 University reopens from Winter Holidays
Jan. 6 Classes begin for spring semester